
Tunnel bear vpn review
Tunnel bear vpn review

TunnelBear was able to identify Australia as the nearest server on PC but got confused on Android after I connected to a New Zealand server, so it was selecting New Zealand as the fastest server instead of Australia. This is where you’ll find the 49+ countries that TunnelBear claims to have servers in, which was actually 49 by my manual count, organized by Fastest (TunnelBear auto picks the closest server), United States, Canada, United Kingdom, and then the rest of the servers are listed in alphabetical order. The easier way to connect is by using the drop-down menu on PC or the pop-up menu on Android. On PC, you can click and drag, but when I first started using TunnelBear, it was only partially rendering in fullscreen mode, which led to excessive dragging (not to mention hitting the settings cog drags you out of fullscreen). But at least on the smartphone app, you can easily use your finger to scroll to a different location. The Android app is a bit buggy in that the connection switch concerningly sometimes shows as disconnected when you’re actually connected. Unlike NordVPN, TunnelBear has a genuinely charming bear animation that digs from your current location to where you want to be connected. Like NordVPN, TunnelBear uses a world map to indicate which part of the world you’re connected to. This is where you’re first introduced to the cutesy bear theme, complete with bear puns and animations, which persists after you install the TunnelBear software or app.

tunnel bear vpn review

My experience with TunnelBear VPN has been all over the place but started out great with a painless sign-up process.

Tunnel bear vpn review